Gloria is an angel, a true blessing. For a decade, Gloria has been an intricate healer and guide on my personal journey of growth and transformation. Her healing sessions are always uniquely, intuitively and perfectly designed to match what I need at the time. Both her in-house and distance healing sessions have helped me significantly along my path to mind-body-spirit health. Gloria always knows what to do – and I always leave her care feeling happy, healthy and whole again in my heart. Thank you Gloria, again and again. You are a such a gift to the world.

Allison Claire Eaton

The Power of this Whole Heart Healing process on the call . Wow!

Let me tell you about the power of your telesummit! I was in a room with another woman and we both received news that neither of us wanted to hear…The silence was deafening. I listened to Gloria on the replay and immediately upon hearing her story, I stopped the replay.

I told my new friend that I was listening to a friend and that there was a healing that we could listen to together if she wanted… We did and what loving, healing, peace and support we heard, from both of you…each of us identifying with the healing in our own way! Muffled tears turned to quiet, then loud resounding Yeses!

How can I ever thank you for holding space for us? I can only say, our hearts were deeply touched… and transformed. 

You mentioned that it was your heart’s desire that your telesummit would reach far and wide and to the heart of someone who needed to hear them… I affirm that this happened for us yesterday.

I am purchasing the package as I want to have these healinga to draw upon again and again.

Please know that I am holding you in my thoughts and prayers. I know that Divine is holding you lovingly in his arms! How could He not be? Thank you so much!


I want to thank Gloria so much for literally saving my life. I was extremely sick man years ago and probably was not going to recover. By going to Gloria for many times and doing everything she said I did indeed live and recover my health. I owe her so much!

Craig Perkins

Todos Santos Baja Mexico

I received an invitation from my friend Gloria, offering a Distance Healing Treatment prior to Christmas which I decided to offer as a gift to my friend Tom who had been diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma which has no cure. He had surgery for 4 hours to remove intestinal tumors and received no radiation or chemotherapy as the doctors were undecided as to what treatment to provide. Gloria sent her 30 day gift of healing and when Tom went back 3 months later for follow up, there was no trace of the cancer. It was such an unbelievable outcome for the medical community that he underwent 3 days of scans to check his whole body. Still there was no trace of the cancer. He had decided during the 30 day distance healing to meditate, which he did 3X a day for about 15 minutes and it is my belief that he opened himself to the healing energy that Gloria sent. A miracle? Yes, one could say it was. He is still a year and a half later, free of Mantle Cell Lymphoma.

Ruth McLaughlin

B.C. Canada

Many years ago I made an appointment with Gloria owner of Health Naturally. I wanted to have another child. After my first child, I was advised I would never give birth to another child due to my uterus rupturing. The medical Doctors advised against even getting pregnant, even if I got pregnant they said I would miscarry the baby. I heard about this Healer named Gloria. I followed everything she suggested and we did some energy work etc. Within 10 months I got pregnant and I did not miscarry. In fact I gave birth to a healthy baby girl. The doctors were shocked! I gave birth to two other beautiful babies thanks to this amazing Healer.

Tracy W

Gloria Shaw is a most unique and dedicated healer. Ten years ago she gave me all the diagnosis and support I needed to reestablish my health. It took four years of dedicated cleansing and healing, but I turned 50 with a clean, pink colon and a complete change in my physical and emotional health. I owe my current excellent state to Gloria’s extensive training and big bag of tricks, which she is constantly developing and extending to include not only the realm of physical health, but the whole package of emotional, mental and spiritual well being.    Since we have known each other over the years I have sent many people to Gloria, and no one has failed to have their health improved and their lives enhanced by contact with her. I am always on the edge of my seat to see which direction her studies and passions will take her!

Donna Jones

Cabo, Mexico

Gloria is my Healing Angel. My little girl was very sick. She was in and out of the hospital for 10 months, getting worse. I have no idea what this Angel did, what I do know is for the next weeks my girl got better, after that she was 100% well.

Claudia Veriz

Hello Gloria! Tom is now the only person in the world surviving mantle cell Lymphoma. The doctors are dumbfounded! Thank you!

Hella Friedmann

Victoria, British Columbia

After two months my 5 yo grandson’s warts are completely gone. We had tried treating them with wart solutions and nothing helped. We hadn’t tried anything else for months until I included him in my package, so I know it is Gloria’s energy work that has done it. My daughter reads his affirmation out loud each day and he says “I accept”.

The first picture is from October 17, a couple weeks after we started with Gloria (the warts were actually worse than this at the beginning). The second picture is from December 3, so 6 weeks later.

I still can’t believe they are gone!

Thank you from us both.

Debbie and Cooper Ennis

I bought package B from Gloria Shaw. I sent her my 3 issues. I am amazed at her email response. How does know me so well?! Her responses seem unrelated to the issues I identified for her and yet they are things I have been dealing with (in some cases for decades)! Things she couldn’t have known about. Thanks for connecting me with people who can help me “Love Myself, Love My Life!” If people are wondering if Gloria could help them, I’m happy to recommend her.


The only powerful word I can use to describe my experience in and after my session is “whole”, “ wholeness”, ……!!!

Each time my mind wants to revert or go to a perceived lack, it is as if, my mind gets “redirected”to an experience of wholeness, …cool! I am even remembering so many experiences when younger when I was enveloped in wholeness. I feel lighter, and freer as a result.

And, one last, when I was in my 20’s and 30’s, I used to have what I termed “ direct” contact ~ communication, with Source/ God/ in my meditations. It was like speaking to a good friend and very natural. Well, the day after our session, I awoke and started to have and trust this experience once again. This is really neat, and quite nourishing

Donna K

I loved working with Gloria! She helped redirect me back to a place of wholeness, heart centered awareness and enthusiasm for life. Her insight into my 3 questions was amazing. I felt she really saw me. Through her loving guidance over the next 30 days, I was able to make some major shifts in my life. I would highly recommend her work.


I’ve been using energy healing for over 10 yrs. My experience with Gloria has been amazing and I’m still working with her because the issue I needed help with was a difficult one that I knew would require more than one month of healing support.

Dianna V

I feel that your healing is the best I experienced. I want to thank you for your beautiful session. Since then I have a deep sense of peace. It takes a little time to get used to having peace of mind. I feel that in order to solidify what we have done, an extra 2 months should be added. I know how overprotective my ego is and so I want to continue with the work we started.
Thank you very much for your heart felt, kind work.


This was my first energy healing experience and I must say, WOW! It was truly miraculous, to say the least.  I have suffered with fatigue almost all my life. I spent a lot of money on other MP3’s, healings and I even in the past changed my diet. Nothing worked until I started receiving those Love energies. I could feel all the love. The one on one session with Gloria put the cherry on top. I can now say in addition to feeling energetic I feel joyous. A brand new feeling for me. So grateful. Thank you for bringing this amazing healer to the world.

My heart is full of gratitude and Love.


It sounds odd to even admit that I suffered with severe constipation for over 70 years. It even sounds stranger to report that listening to a meditation, saying words Gloria sent me and receiving some kind of energy every day for 30 days “ worked “ I am eliminating every day like a normal person. I am proud to say it, no matter what it sounds like. It worked!

Sophie R

My name is Claudia Hickman and I am a stroke survivor. I had no use of my right arm and had very limited use of my right leg. My stroke happened in 1999. I had basically given up hope anything would change, then I met Gloria.  I said yes when she offered to help me clear my headache. Not sure what I experienced but just knew something relieved that headache..

Gloria gave me Whole heart Healing Energetic Heart Reset Meditation. After a few days of listening to the meditation, I started moving my fingers and able to lift my foot. I am getting better and my ability to let the past go, has left me feeling  stronger and now hopeful.

Gloria has been a bright light in my life and I will always be grateful and thankful to her. She has shown me I have the ability and with my higher power I can accomplish anything.

Claudia Hickman