Gift the Gift of Healing to a Loved One!


For several years now I have been offering a special healing service that I call “Give the Gift of Healing.”  If you feel called, you can give a heart-centered gift to a friend or loved one that can really make a difference. When you give this gift, your loved one will receive 30 days of energy healing, Grace, love and light Heart-Healing Energies.

In fact, many of the testimonials on my site were a result of people giving the gift of healing! This distance healing gift can help relieve stress, poor health, grief, pain, suffering, heartache…as well as clearing subconscious blocks and transforming negative habits, patterns, thoughts, feelings and behaviors that can be contributing/sabotaging health, wealth and happiness.

This healing is for your loved ones, family members, close friends that you know are suffering or hurting for any reason, who is experiencing any pain, grieving, depressed, stressed, sick and/or tired. I charge a modest $150 for this special service. As you can see from the many testimonials above, this distance-healing process is really powerful and can have a surprisingly effective impact for your loved one.

If you have questions, please email me at and I will be happy to answer your questions.

How the Gift of Healing Process Works


Step 1
To give the gift of Healing simply click on the purple button at the bottom of this page. Shortly after you will receive an email from me. If you don’t hear from me within 8 hours, just email me directly at and we’ll get started right away! 

Step 2
Send me an email with the following:

– Full name of person and their complete birthdate receiving the healing.
– City and province or state and country the person will be at during the 30 days.
–  A short brief description of what the healing is for. Eg: Depression, pain in right knee etc. starting with the most important. No more than three preferred.
– Send a clear, close up photo of the person alone.
– If the person is a minor or too sick to be able to do step 3 or 4. I will need the name of the person who will be either a proxy for the person and or that will be giving me the updates.

Step 3
Long distance Energy Healing will be sent out daily for 30 days. Not necessary but it is recommended that first thing in the morning declare the following ( silently or out loud ) I ________ intend and choose to receive the healing sent by Gloria that serves my highest good, Divinely and Perfectly. 

In the event of child or someone too sick to say this, simply place your hand on your heart and either out loud or silently, say “I call in the healing for _________” (insert person’s name).

Step 4
During the 30 days as I am guided, we will be in communication by email to get an update, decide if we need to make any changes. Also if that issue is improved we can add in or shift the energy to something else. I may offer other suggestions to give the person the most effective positive healing experience.

If you are ready to move forward with the healing process just click the purple button below. If you have questions, please email me at and I will be happy to answer your questions.

Gift of Healing Q&A


Q. How does distant Whole Heart Energy work?
A. Virtually all long distant healing practices encompasses a broad range of healing practices, focused on, unconditional Love prayer, and meditation creating a compassionate environment that can have a healing effect. Virtually all distant healing practices are concerned with alleviating the suffering and increasing the well being of others.

Q. Do I need to approve it with my doctor before I start using it?
A. Not at all, although it is always helpful to share as much information with your health care provider as possible. More and more, members of the medical community are opening to the beliefs, practices and wishes of their patients. Most distant healers come from a spiritual rather than a medical perspective, they do not generally single out or treat a particular types of condition. Scientific research projects have studied the effect of distant healing on a variety of conditions, indicating that distant healing used with other therapies, does enhance the healing process of a broad range of conditions.

Q. Can children and animals benefit from distant healing?
A. Absolutely yes! Children and animals seem to have a natural understanding of what Whole Heart distant healing is all about and its many benefits. Whole Heart distant healing is guided by pure love and Higher Power this energy will know the condition and adjust appropriately. Whole Heart distant healing automatically adjusts to what is needed perfectly.

Q. Do you only do healing as gifts? Can you do distance healing for me outside of the holiday season?
A. Yes, I’m happy to do healing work with anyone who needs it. The “Gift of Healing” offer is especially for the holiday season. But I work year round and would be happy to discuss this with you. You can email me at the address below

Q. Do you do other types of healing modalities (other than the 30-day distance healing)?
A. Yes, I do one-on-one healing sessions via Skype which my clients get tremendous value out of. I would be happy to Skype with you to explore the possibilities. You can email me at the address below (see Get in Contact section).