Gloria Shaw has worked in the field of Medicine and Holistic health for over 45 years. Along her entrepreneurial- Soul’s journey, out of self-preservation to heal herself and many nudges from the universe, she studied nursing, fitness, and nutrition, became a Certified Alternative Medical Practioner, Certified Life Transformational Consultant, Reiki Master Practioner and Energy Healer.

Gloria is now becoming known as a Heart-Centered Energy Healer /Guide, Teacher/Speaker and Spiritual Change Agent,  with the help of her Whole Heart Healing Helpers and the Divine Spherical Energies, connected heart to heart, guided by her team and source energy, the gifts of meditation, activation, attunement, affirmations using the spiritual tool of her healing voice. Gloria believes this unique modality was birthed in Love, out of her own painful past, abuse, health issues, heartache and painful losses and are NOW being used for good, transforming pain into LOVE & blessings and have been miraculously healing, transforming, fears, limiting beliefs and awakening clients to their Divine, true authentic, loveable, loving healthy, happy, whole complete and perfect self. Results include numerous, miraculous healing benefits that traditional textbook medicine does not understand.

Gloria is committed to awakening hearts and healing spirits. As well as to put an end to sickness, pain and suffering, self-sabotage, feelings of unworthiness, resentment, judgment and fear, and other maladies of the heart, body, mind, and spirit.  Gloria knows Love Heals, it healed her and set her free from her self-imposed prison she existed in for way too many years and it can do the same for others.